Nicole Paulus

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Don't Stay Stuck....Here's a Website Roadmap for You to Follow

Getting started building your site is half the battle because let’s be probably have a million and one other things to worry about. That’s why I wanted to create a quick blog post outlining the most important steps to take whether you are in the Preparing Stage, the Building Stage, or the Finalizing Stage. Let’s begin!

Preparing Stage- In this stage, you already have a solid business idea in place and are wondering how to attract your ideal clients or customers.

  1. Stalk your competitors - don’t skip this step!!

  2. Choose a template on Squarespace that you resonate with most.

  3. Create a Site Plan which outlines all the text and content you’ll need for your website. You can also check out this blog post for inspiration on writing your content.

  4. Collect images you’ll be using (I recommend, design a logo for free on Canva, and then save them on your desktop in a designated folder.

Building Stage- In this stage, you will have already completed all of your tasks from the Planning Stage.

  1. Get familiar with the backend of Squarespace. I recommend creating a trial website and just playing around with the different features before you begin building.

  2. Take an online course that shows you the ins and outs of Squarespace.

  3. Once you feel comfortable, you can start adding in the elements you’ve compiled from your site plan.

  4. Don’t forget to update your site titles, headers, and URL’s and add a cute favicon.

Finalizing Stage- In this stage, you should have already completed all of your tasks from the Planning and Creating Stage.

  1. Double-check that all of your backlinks, hyperlinks, and buttons link to the appropriate page.

  2. Connect your domain.

  3. Go through this SEO checklist and make sure you’ve addressed all of the points.

That’s it! That’s all you have to do (insert eye-roll). I know it’s a lot but I believe you can do it!

If you still feel stuck, don’t worry - help is on the way! I created this affordable in-depth course outlining all of the steps you need to follow (including Squarespace tutorials) when building your own site. Check it out here.