The Circle of Life

The Circle of Life

If you were to pick up a pen right now and attempt to draw a circle, chances are it would end up looking something like this:


Now, if you kept going around the circle with the pen, you’d probably be surprised at how circular that bad boy would become:


Lately, I have been reflecting on how my life is a lot like that second circle. The more years I am on this earth, the more I start noticing certain motifs in my life. These motifs serve as reminders that I am on the right path, that with every rotation I am becoming stronger. They give me the confidence, the self-assuredness that if I keep trusting and beliving in myself, that my inner circle will eventually be complete. I encourage you to pay attention to the motifs in your own life. Here are a few of mine: 


*the only thing I miss about Phoenix is the burritos :p

*the only thing I miss about Phoenix is the burritos :p

Almost a year ago exactly, I wrote down a few goals in my journal. I was living in Phoenix, Arizona at the time (aka the arm pit of Arizona) and pretty much hating my life. Trying to keep a positive outlook, I decided to jot down a few goals that I wanted to accomplish in the coming year. Here is one of the goals I wrote down: 

travel, plan a trip, save $ for a trip, move to Berlin

Anyone who doesn’t believe they have absolute control over their happiness in life should look to me as an example. Anything is possible if you really want it (and you believe in yourself.)

Jotting down future goals regularly is a great way to keep yourself focused.


lust for life

I went to a picnic the other day with a group called Deutsch for Dich (literally, German for You). Deutsch for Dich was started by four teachers who wanted to offer German classes on a donation base. In addition to the classes, they also host events where students from other classes can meet and mingle. Though I had only attended one class, I thought it would be nice to go and try to make some new friends.

When I arrived, I was asked to write a German adjective on a name tag in lieu of my actual name. The only caveat -- the adjective had to describe me. Since my German ist nicht sehr gut, I asked the teacher for help. I started to describe myself in English: “well I love to travel, I love to laugh, I love trying new things.” The teacher immediately came up with the word lebenslustig. She told me that it meant “lover of life, zest for life.” Before she could continue, I showed her my forearm, "Oh, you mean Lust for Life?"  (For those who don't know, I have had the words "Lust for Life" tattooed on my forearm for the last 6 years. Coincidentally, David Bowie and Iggy Pop wrote that song whilst living in Berlin. )

Get yourself a motto. Hell, get it tattooed.


*I am the one behind the smiley guy in the black shirt.

I recently went to a book signing for one of my favorite artists, Peaches. Not only is she is a sex-positive role model for women and the entire LGBTQ community, but she is also an entertaining performer, activist, and kick ass musician. 

I knew that she lived in Berlin (and might be a small subconscious reason as to how I ended up here) but I had no idea that she had a book out, nor did I know she’d be speaking and signing books. In fact, I actually found out about the event the day of. Not only was the book shop a quick 25 minute walk from my house, I was able to sneak in the front row just as the discussion was starting. During the discussion she said something that really resonated with me. She was telling the audience that she had always wanted to be a producer and was involved in theater growing up. Recently, she got the opportunity to write and direct a musical based on her life. As she talked about it, her eyes began to water and her voice began to crack. She said how amazing it was when she realized that her whole life was preparing her for this project, her dream. 

Find yourself a role model then sell all your belongings and move to her same city. Just kidding, don't do that. But surround yourself with people who are doing things you admire.

Though it’s sometime hard to see how the daily grind will lead you one step closer to achieving your goals, if you pay attention to the reccuring themes in your own life, you’ll have the confidence to keep going until that circle is complete. Only you get to decide how strong that circle gets to be :)

Traveling is ALWAYS a good idea :)

Traveling is ALWAYS a good idea :)

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