Brick and Mortar Website
Polsterwerkstatt M
website design
client quote contact form
dual language
John had an upholstery shop in Berlin for many years and relied on getting new business through referrals which mostly worked, but when Covid hit, he realized he needed to up his digital game. He didn’t consider himself the type of person to put himself or what he does out in public but I assured him that I would design a website that matched his aesthetic and simultaneously increased organic traffic to his workshop. I helped him organize the most important aspects of his business to showcase as well as create a minimalist dual-language website. As a US expat living in Berlin, John wanted to make sure his site was available in German and English in order to be more inclusive.
For the design of the website, John wanted a place where clients could submit proposals for upholstery projects as well as see a gallery of past work. He wanted the design to be minimalist yet also high-end. At the same time, his brick-and-mortar shop and workshop has a cozy and approachable vibe so I wanted to make sure the site had the sam relatable and inclusive vibe. The main focus of the site was to provide a place where German and International clients could learn more about the workshop offerings, contact the shop directly for a quote, and see a gallery of past projects.
***Though I helped build the site, I have no control over the daily maintenance. Once the project is out of my hands it is the responsibility of the client to maintain the aesthetic. This means that the current design of the website may or may not be reflective of the work I contributed. Please see the screenshots below for an accurate depiction of my contribution.
Website Gallery