What Do Those Who Bring Their Creations to Fruition Have in Common? (Hint, One Word)

What Do Those Who Bring Their Creations to Fruition Have in Common? (Hint, One Word)


This past week I had the joy of joining the Rio Nuevo Publishing family. One of my clients read my announcement on Linkedin and sent me a message: Congrats on the new position, they are lucky to have you.

He thought I was being hired, as an employee. 

Not this time buddy!

Though he meant well, I can’t help but recognize the irony in that congratulatory message.

For fifteen years I have been helping others promote their businesses, projects, startups, books, and events. And to be perfectly honest, I LOVE what I do. I love helping people recognize their talents and overcome imposter syndrome so that they can share their gifts with the world. I love it so much that I will keep doing that forever and ever, probably.

But now, a new day is dawning. 

I am stepping out from behind the curtain and embarking on my own project, a Desert Animal Oracle Deck. I have been signed, as an author, with Rio Nuevo Publishing and I couldn’t be more thrilled. But as I embark on this journey I can’t help but feel like I want to inspire others who share a similar goal.

What separates me from anyone else who has a dream of getting published or bringing a creative project to fruition? 

One word came to mind recently. That word is AUDACITY. 

For some reason, audacity seems to be implanted in most Cis-white males at birth. The rest of us have to spend the rest of our lives learning it. The good news, however, is that it’s possible. Just look at this “shy”, “introverted”, “behind the scenes” lady who just stepped out from behind the curtain to delight fellow desert enthusiasts. 

Here are the steps I took to claim my audacity, and get signed by a publisher: 

  1. I worked on my project daily, adding it to my daily to-do tasks just like I’d do with other paid client work.

  2. I delighted in the creation of the project. I didn’t spend time thinking “this is going to make me a lot of money,” “this is going to help a lot of people,” or “this is going to make me insta-famous.” No, I worked on it daily because it made me happy. It piqued my curiosity. I enjoyed the organizational aspects and the insights it brought to my own life. I felt a sense of accomplishment every time I would finish another related task.

  3. I was verrrrrry particular about who I shared the project with, especially in the beginning. Creative projects are fragile. Show them to the wrong person and one misplaced comment could have you drowning in a sea of self-doubt. Best if you keep the project to yourself in the beginning and then only share it with people who truly adore you - once you’ve got a body of work you are proud of, that is.

  4. Create a killer proposal complete with images.

  5. Tailor your pitch letter to the particular publisher. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. In my pitch letter, I said something like “I know I can do this alone, I have over a decade of experience helping authors and small business owners build their audiences, but I want to collaborate with someone.” Be bold! If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will either.

  6. Start at the root.

    Though I live in Berlin, guess who was the only publisher who wrote back that they were interested? A local Tucson publisher. Of course, this all depends on your subject matter, but don’t hesitate to hone in on your place of origin when beginning outreach.

  7. And lastly - get ready to face rejection. I must have received dozens of rejections. I responded with grace and gratitude, asking for specific feedback on why it wasn’t a good fit. Most people responded politely and it made me feel good to know that though it wasn’t a perfect fit, the project still had merit.

There you go, now you have what it takes to take the world by storm and bring your creative projects to fruition. Audacity may not be your strong suit but by golly, it is EXACTLY what you need to make all your dreams come true. Just ask the Musks and Bezos of the world.

Need help becoming more audacious? Get in touch and I’ll give you a pep talk. No strings attached.

Stop Being So Elusive, Already

Stop Being So Elusive, Already

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