I Want to Share a New Project I've Been Working On....An Animal Oracle Deck for Desert People

I Want to Share a New Project I've Been Working On....An Animal Oracle Deck for Desert People


Last winter, I escaped the cold gray winters of Berlin and decided to spend time in the magical deserts of Sedona and Joshua Tree instead. To say this was a shift in lifestyle would be an understatement. Instead of having my usually jam-packed calendar of events, workshops, Volleyball games, Ukulele lessons, dinner with friends,  and date nights, my schedule was as wiiiiiide open as the vast desert before me. 

At first, I was restless. I tried to say connected with friends in different time zones but it started to become tiresome. I was going to bed as they were waking up and vice versa.

The magic started to happen once I stopped resisting this new temporary lifestyle and began venturing out on my own to check out new hiking spots. Along the way, I met interesting characters both in human form as well as animal form. Because I believe symbolism is all around us, if only we have the courage and patience to dig deeper, I began researching what these “chance” animal encounters meant. More often than not, the symbolism brought clarity to a confusing situation that was happening in my life at that moment. 

  • While visiting the “birthing cave” in Sedona, a cave where Hopi Indians would send women to give birth, a friend and I encountered a family of deer. 

    The meaning? Take time to cultivate your feminine earth energy so that you tune into your higher powers, hone your psychic abilities, and pick up on things that others cannot.

  • While driving on a dirt road in Yucca Valley to pick up food after an argument with my partner, I encountered not one but two coyotes crossing in front of the car.

    The meaning? Don’t take life so seriously. No matter what challenges Coyotes face, they always find time to play.

  • While hiking alone on a less popular trail in Sedona I encountered a tarantula AND a rattlesnake.

    The meaning? You can read about it here.

animal oracle deck for desert people

After several more encounters, I got the idea to start documenting the symbolism and eventually package them into an Oracle deck that fellow desert lovers could use to help understand the unique characteristics and symbolism of these mystical creatures. Not only do I hope the cards will help people access their intuitive gifts but I also hope that they eliminate the fear associated with some of the “scarier” desert animals, such as rattlesnakes, tarantulas, and scorpions, OH MY.  Rattlesnakes, for instance, are the only snakes that give you ample warning before striking. How courteous is that?!

I believe animals have so much to teach us and that at any given moment, we can choose to embody their traits in order to help us overcome obstacles and reach new heights. They’ve certainly helped me access a greater understanding of self and my place in the world. 

Are you a desert lover who also happens to adore animals? Are you someone who spends time trying to discover the deeper meaning of life? Are you always looking for tools or methods that will help bring clarity to your life? Then keep reading…

In a few months, I hope to launch a 39-page Oracle Deck for Desert People. The illustrations and descriptions are *mostly* done and are currently being read by a few trusted individuals for feedback. In addition, I have already narrowed it down to two potential printers who will sustainably print the cards and accompanying booklet. After that I will set up a Kickstarter account so that people can pre-order the cards. The reason for this is so that I can secure a cheaper rate. The more decks I order, the cheaper each deck becomes. My goal is to sell 500 decks on preorder to start. 

Want to stay in the know? Wonderful! Just pass me your email below and I can add you to a list. I’ll make sure to update on the pre-orders so that you can be first in line to the divine. 

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