Should I Use a Brand Name or My Real Name?

Should I Use a Brand Name or My Real Name?

woman hiding behind a curtain

Wondering whether you should use a brand name or real name while conducting business? You’re not alone. I have been getting this question quite a bit the past few months so decided I should share my expertise and recommendation. 

Once upon a time, I had a business name, a rather catchy business name (if I do say so myself) - Nico New Media. My reasoning? I thought I wanted to appear “bigger” than I was, for people to think I was an agency, a whole team of professionals there to serve, and to build credibility before I had anything to show for it. 

I also didn’t want to limit myself. Maybe one day I would be an actual agency, I wouldn’t want to have to put in the work of creating a new brand from scratch. 

After getting 500 NNM snazzy business cards printed, my scheme started unraveling at the seams. Any time I created content on social, on my blog, or on my newsletter, I would get confused. “Should I be using first-person? Am I a “we”? WHO TF AM I?”

It took me a few years to finally decide to come out from behind the curtain and start conducting business under my given name. But when I bought and made it official, there was no turning back.

You see, I THOUGHT becoming a big brand was about faking it until I made it, but looking back I see it’s actually deeper than that. I think I was afraid someone would see me as an imposter, that they wouldn’t think I was worthy of doing business with as a solopreneur.

In fact, I have found that many of the female entrepreneurs I work with have similar stories. 

In some ways, it is easier to hide behind a brand name because if you fail, your name isn’t plastered to it. BUT - it’s also going to be much harder to obtain quality clients who align with your values especially if you are a coach, consultant, or healer. People want to know who they are doing business with! They want you to show up as your unique self, flaws and all so that they can feel comfortable doing the same. THAT’S how you build credibility, not by faking it. 

An added bonus of using your real name to conduct business is that you don’t have to develop a brand voice. You can just create content as if you were talking to a friend. 

Need more convincing? Get in touch.

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