How's Your Play-to-Rest Ratio?

How's Your Play-to-Rest Ratio?


I woke up at 2a with the following download, “In order to play, you must recharge.”

Everyone loves to play. And if you don’t feel safe letting your freak flag fly in public, you likely love being around others who do. Whether they are making silly faces, playing practical jokes, or dancing like a robot in the grocery store, playful people are often the most liked, and the ones we want to spend the most time with.

While playing should be a main priority - it can’t and shouldn’t be the only goal. Why? Because you’ll burn out.

Instead, you’ve got to have a healthy play-to-rest ratio. Let me explain…

As children, we played with everything. That stick on the ground became a magical wand, that scrap piece of paper became a snowball and that carved-out tree trunk became a kitchen. We played with life, we played with others, and we played the day away.

But we also rested. We took naps. We laid on our bellies and observed the carpet fibers while our heart rates returned to resting. Before you knew it, we arose from our restful state, ate a nourishing snack, and then returned to our playful escapades.

Believe it or not, deep down, we are still those children with those same playful tendencies. The only difference is that now we have to also be our own caretakers. We must play both roles, the player and the caretaker. Most adults get so wrapped up in their role of caretaker and forget how to be a playful player. They take care of bills and tune-ups and grocery shops but they never let loose. BORING. Or they play so hard that they forget that they must also provide a safe space for their player to rest, rejuvenate, and recharge. Which category do you typically fall into?

Personally, I often feel pressured to be playful and an endless source of sunshine to everyone around me, even when my body is begging for a recharge. I rarely live up to that standard which results in me disassociating from whatever is happening around me and retreating into myself. In the past, I would have drank more alcohol or stayed up way too late in order to appease the longings of others.

But in 2023 I aim to do something different.

Of course, the people in my life love me most when I’m playful and carefree. Heck, I love myself most when I am playing. When I am not feeling my best, I can be moody, nervous, and negatively leaning, aka a real party pooper. What I am realizing, however, is that it’s not possible for me to just be playful ALL the time.

“In order to play, you must recharge.”

Instead, I must carefully construct an environment where my playful self can refuel. Personally, I need strenuous daily movement (preferably hiking vertically up a warm mountain), colorful salads with healthy proteins, a good night’s rest, and ample time and space for solo reflection.

Only then will I feel safe enough to let my playful nature run wild. And that’s perfectly ok.

How’s your Play-to-Rest Ratio? Could you use some fine tuning?

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