My Favorite Conscious Business Tool: Yoga Nidra

My Favorite Conscious Business Tool: Yoga Nidra

yoga nidra

In addition to sharing my content marketing and website knowledge on this blog, I'd like to start sharing some of the tools that have helped me become a more conscious business owner (and human). Why? Because they have been instrumental in helping me grow as a person and entrepreneur. They have helped me get out of my head and ground back down into my physical body so that I can actually take the necessary steps forward to actualize my dreams. My hope is that these tools help you do the same.

So in this blog post, I’ll be covering my absolute favorite tool to help ground and recalibrate (although be warned, I will likely say they are all my favorites :) )….I present to you YOGA NIDRA.

First off, I’ll do my best to explain WTH Yoga Nidra even is. Contrary to its name, Yoga Nidra has nothing to do with the yoga you're probably used to - there are no upward dogs required. Instead, all you have to do is lay down in bed, pull a blanket over you, and close your eyes. In short, Yoga Nidra is also sometimes referred to as a Yogic Sleep. It’s that blissful moment of time between wakefulness and sleep and is induced through a mix of body scan and breath awareness. Most Yoga Nidras also include visual and sensing components as well. The result is deep relaxation and rejuvenation of energy.

Some of the other benefits of Yoga Nidra include reduced stress or anxiety, better sleep, and improved mindfulness. You can read more benefits of this practice on the National Library of Medicine site here.

Personally, I use Yoga Nidra when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't turn off my racing thoughts. Yoga Nidra helps me glide back into slumberland. It's also a great tool to use when I didn't sleep well the night before and need a pick-me-up mid-day. Instead of reaching for a coffee or sweet treat, I give myself a 25-min of Yoga Nidra session. Afterward, I usually feel my energy double. Have I convinced you to try it out, yet?

Below are my favorite Yoga Nidras (and they can all be found on the Insight Timer app for free)…ENJOY!

  1. Yoga Nidra for Relaxation - The StillPoint ( I use this one the most!)

  2. Yoga Nidra for Sleep - Jennifer Piercy

  3. Yoga Nidra for Deeper Sleep - John Siddique

Have you ever tried Yoga Nidra? What was your experience? I’d love to hear about it!

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